Goodbye letter to Alcohol SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

purpose of goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

If we think that you would still benefit from hospitalization, we will suggest PHP for optimal recovery. The effects of drug abuse cannot be condensed into a few words. Memory loss, heart conditions, and a weakened immune system are only a few of the many long-term drug abuse effects. Without community support during your recovery, it can be challenging to say goodbye to your addiction.

How to use our Goodbye Letter to Addiction template

I’ve realized that your temporary relief isn’t worth the long-term damage. You’ve caused me more pain than joy, leading to stress and lost opportunities. My life has become unmanageable, and I’ve felt powerless in your grip. You could never solve problems; you just sucked the joy out of my life with your lying and manipulation. You know the line, it’s not you, it’s me?

Guide: Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

purpose of goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

Here’s my example, and I hope it helps you move on too. I climbed out of the mud and battled back with the help, goodbye letter to alcohol love, and support of God, as well as my family and counselors. You just ever took and took, but you never gave.

purpose of goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

Immediate Placement in Rehab for Addiction

You know they don’t serve alcohol in the park. Worst of all, you have a serious jealousy streak in you, bordering on psychotic. How could you come between my family and me? You couldn’t handle even a few special days off so others could shine. This is my sobriety letter, a pledge to myself and others that I will remain steadfast in my recovery.

  • Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today.
  • But I’ve come to realize that I can’t have you in my life anymore.
  • At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we offer free insurance verification to verify your benefits.
  • I realized they all came as a result of my interactions with you.
  • I didn’t even look at you the whole time I was there.

Resurgence Behavioral Health is here to assist you with an attitude of acceptance and nonjudgment. Nothing stops you from making this decision today, so make the call now to speak to one of our team members. Resurgence Behavioral Health will work to make your detox process as painless as possible. We are proud to be accredited by Carf CCAC and The Joint Commission providing the most exceptional care available. The silver lining to our relationship is that I am stronger than I’ve ever been.

I hope one day that everyone wakes up to what you really are so that we may all be free of your nonsensical way of life. You once had me trapped in a mindset of worry and struggle, which introduced me to your close friends – anxiety, shame, and guilt. Once I got more acquainted with them, I knew they, just like you, weren’t my real friends. They only visited when they wanted to manipulate me and make me feel like less of a person. I realized they all came as a result of my interactions with you.

purpose of goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

Find Help At Ingrained Recovery

I realize the extent of the harm you’ve done. I never in a million years thought I’d be in this position. I deserve to live free from your grip, and I am determined to find joy and peace without you. I am excited to rebuild the lives of myself and my kids and discover who I am without you. Discuss your hope for the future without the addiction.

purpose of goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

Explain how the addiction has affected your friendships, health, and overall well-being. This helps to underscore the reasons for your decision to let go. I sleep a whole lot more and value my downtime. Even in the silence, I’m comfortable without you.

I stopped frequenting the liquor store you always hung around in. I cleaned my apartment and redecorated to remove all traces of you from my life. I started a new job, got a girlfriend, and started to forget you. You threatened me with illness, depression, and anxiety. I reached a point where I wouldn’t go anywhere without you.

  • You just ever took and took, but you never gave.
  • Now you’ve been out of my life for three years.
  • At this point, I will make it my number one priority to keep you away.
  • This is my sobriety letter, a pledge to myself and others that I will remain steadfast in my recovery.

Design for Recovery offers the skills and support for lifelong sobriety. Maybe I was embarrassed to admit how much control I’d given you… But I was so desperate, I called someone I knew who was sober. He told me I didn’t have to fight you alone. I spent years trying to leave you, but I never succeeded for more than a few days or weeks at a time. But, my dear addiction, I see you for what you are.

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